Every 1 out 6 couples are usually affected by
Infertility issues. When the cause is from the female partner, it is referred
to as female infertility, and when caused by the inadequacies of the male
partner, it is referred to as Male Infertility.
According to statistics, Male Infertility
occurs in approximately 30 percent of all infertility cases.
These are
the four main causes of Infertility in males:
1. A pituitary or hypothalamic disorder - (1-2%)
2. Disorder of the Gonad-(30-40%)
3. Sperm transport disorder-(10-20%)
4. Unknown causes -(40-50%)
2. Disorder of the Gonad-(30-40%)
3. Sperm transport disorder-(10-20%)
4. Unknown causes -(40-50%)
If we note, a lot of the reasons are still
attributed to unknown causes or unknown diagnosis. But male infertility occurs
because of sperm that are abnormal, or sperm that do not function as they
should maybe due to their inadequacy in numbers or problems with ejaculation. Sperm should be considered abnormal if they
have short life span or low mobility.
Abnormalities of the sperm are caused by some
or one of the following reasons:
1. Inflamed testicles.
2. Swollen veins in the scrotum
3. Abnormally developed testicles.
2. Swollen veins in the scrotum
3. Abnormally developed testicles.
Ejaculation problems include the following:
1. Premature ejaculation
2. Retrograde ejaculation: This occurs when semen is forced back into the bladder.
3. Erection dysfunctions
4. Complications from surgery or therapy.
2. Retrograde ejaculation: This occurs when semen is forced back into the bladder.
3. Erection dysfunctions
4. Complications from surgery or therapy.
Other random causes of Male
infertility include:
1. History of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
2. UTI: Urinary Tract Infections
3. Use of certain wrong types of medications.
2. UTI: Urinary Tract Infections
3. Use of certain wrong types of medications.
Diagnosis of Male Infertility
Through the help of lab tests and
examinations, the causes of male infertility can be determined. The test would
include checking out the following:
1. Semen analysis to check out the number and quality of the sperm being produced.
2. Blood test to check for infections or hormone problems then lastly,
3. A physical examination of the penis, scrotum and prostate.
1. Semen analysis to check out the number and quality of the sperm being produced.
2. Blood test to check for infections or hormone problems then lastly,
3. A physical examination of the penis, scrotum and prostate.
Doctors would look out for the following in
the tests:
1. Total amount of semen: A volume of 2
milliliters is considered normal during intercourse and ejaculation. A lower
amount may be an indication of blocked ducts, a prostate gland issue or an
issue with the seminal vesicles.
2. Sperm Count: A sperm count of 20 million
to 300 million per milliliter is considered the normal range for sperm counts.
Anything below 10 million is considered as “low sperm count”.
3. Morphology: This refers to the shape and
size of the sperm being produced. This is put into consideration because they
affect the ability of the sperms to reach and fertilize an egg. If 30% of sperm
produced is shaped “normal”, then that is a good pass mark.
4. Motility: This has to do with their speed,
movement and number of active cells. In calculating movement of sperm, the
range is from 0-4. A score above 3 is considered good. Active cells are rated
in percentages. Above 50% is considered good.
Treatment of Male Infertility
Sperm Production can be treated by taking
clinically proven supplements. Anything that can increase the number of healthy
sperm increases your chances of conception. There is a Natural Supplements with
No side effects, it will detoxify your system, boost your sperm count and
increase your motility. It’s a 3-in-1 SOLUTION PACK.
To order: Call or Whatsapp on 07039309480
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Male infertility problem is usually caused low sperm count issues. Low sperm count treatment in India is best to get from Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital as the team is well-experienced to give successful results.