The announcement by presidential
spokesman, Garba Shehu, that rodents invaded President Buhari’s office while he
was away in the UK for treatment thus necessitating a renovation even as Buhari
works from home gives one serious cause for concern if there is not a devious
agenda to keep shaming, ridiculing, and embarrassing Nigeria by Shehu and
certain individuals in the presidency all in the seeming bid to protect
Buhari’s interest at all costs even if by hook or crook.
If this
wasn’t the case, why on earth, for goodness sake, would Shehu, descend so low
and lie in such blatant manner? Is that how insignificant and inconsequential
this presidency takes Nigerians? Has it degenerated to such level? This was a
man who earned the respect of Nigerians as spokesman of former Vice President
Atiku Abubakar.
I will
openly confess that the way some officials of this government have carried on,
the temptation to ignore them with silence due to their continuous
disappointing acts, is high. The flip side of that, however, is that one cannot
afford to, for love of one’s country as a concerned stakeholder like every
other citizen.
As a
journalist, the job to hold government accountable is one I have committed to
whatever its pains or gains. But one occasionally wonders if Nigeria is really
worth the trouble after all when supposed public officials paid with public
money treat citizens as fools and zombies who they assume have no
understanding of national issues whatsoever and thus deserve no modicum
of respect in how they relate with and communicate to them.
With the
likes of Shehu around the President, our country certainly deserves better. He
is not fit for his position. This, he has demonstrated on many occasions. His
latest gaffe only further compounds it. And those who have argued in the past that
public relations professionals and communications specialists might be more
suitable for the jobs of presidential spokesmen than journalists may have a
point after all with the experiences we have had with those assigned such
responsibilities in the last few years. Or perhaps, they are just exceptions
who didn’t fully grasp the weight of their choice of words or understand the
best way to go about doing their tough jobs?
how many Nigerians today are proud of their country with officials like Shehu
at the corridors of power? And how many more are truly proud of the overall
conduct and performance of this government?
refuse to set minimum standards of expectations from our leaders. Yet, we need
such. If a president is sick and his treatment will have to be borne by our
collective wealth, shouldn’t such president and his team be honest in telling
the citizenry what ails the number one citizen? I honestly find it personally
worrisome and puzzling that despite the much-vaunted integrity and honesty of
President Buhari, no sincere explanation has been made to Nigerians on the true
state of his health despite the country being responsible for this treatment in
the UK at a cost that remains yet undisclosed.
And is
it not embarrassing, disgusting and utterly shameful for us as a country that
whenever a Nigerian President is sick, he has to be flown abroad for treatment?
Are we not scandalised? Must a president continue to be treated abroad at such
colossal expense? Is that what we have finally come to accept and endorse as a
country? Is that how low we have sunk? What is the fate of other citizens who
are sick but can’t afford treatment overseas? What stops us from fixing our own
medical facilities to become world class like it is in Germany, UK, US, the
United Arab Emirates or India?
And we
simply assume all VPs will be as loyal and dependable as Yemi Osinbajo. We
think a time will not come when a subordinate might have his own ideas and want
to unseat his boss at the slightest opportunity and damn the consequences when
he thinks the main man is no longer able to perform the functions of his
We can
choose to learn from the current experience. We can choose not to. However, I
fear this type of scenario might repeat itself in future if we don’t do the
needful now. How long, for instance, can a president be constitutionally
allowed to be away from his duty post with the latest experience we are having
as a country after the sad experiences of the Umaru Musa Yar’Adua presidency?
point I am making is that for no reason must presidential interest be allowed
to trump the national interest no matter what. Under such situations,
individuals and sectional interests win while the country loses.
it appears this APC government has successfully blackmailed the whole country
into accepting its way of doing things simply on the basis of the president’s
avowed fight against corruption and corrupt former public officials. Of course,
the administration must be supported in ridding the country of corruption.
However, this shouldn’t excuse knocks from the media and true patriots on the
government or any of its officials when it is erring.
I should
add that there are many citizens of various classes today who believe the
Nigerian media has lost its voice in boldly speaking out against the
shortcomings of those in power compared to its exploits in fighting military
dictatorships and its selfless contributions to the emergence of democratic
governance in our fatherland.
I also
find it baffling that the APC chairman, John Oyegun, and the information
minister, Lai Muhammed, don’t equally feel scandalized having the president
travel abroad for treatment despite the much-hyped stance of their party being
against such conduct during the 2015 electioneering campaigns.
But it’s
glad to read in the newspapers that the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) has
openly announced that its doctors are able to professionally treat the
President no matter his medical challenges and there is no need for him to be
going on medical tourism abroad. I believe them. The high numbers of Nigerians
doctors working abroad where there are better equipment, world-class facilities
and necessary backup infrastructure have distinguished themselves and continue
to prove their mettle. They can do better at home if well supported.
forward, one of the things I expect President Buhari would be concerned about
within the limited time he has left in his four-year term is leaving an evident
legacy at primary, secondary and tertiary levels of Nigeria’s healthcare
system. However, it appears the government doesn’t seem to see this as critical
on its to-do list.
But I
To the
main focus of this intervention, if Shehu still has any self-respect and
honour, he would by now know, without being told, that it’s time to excuse
himself from this government. It’s time to pack his bag and baggage and go
home. His service to the President is certainly not in the best interest of
Nigeria. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be spewing out what’s nothing but pure bunkum,
bringing the country international opprobrium, and making Nigeria a butt of
jokes around the world with his untenable excuses of rodents in the president’s
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